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​Information and referrals

Information is power so we provide women with up-to-date information backed up with personal support and advocacy on issues that affect local women.

Women's Resource Centre Services

Equipment you can use

Phone, binder, laminator, washing machine, shower, and photocopier/scanner.

Access to computers and fast internet

Other equipment includes self defence equipment, PA, musical instruments, microphones, speakers & our famous homemade pizza oven!

A great meeting place

Safe and friendly, open space for women.

Warmth in winter and cool in summer

So everyone is happier.

Free fresh food program

Which helps women in need - each Wednesday and Thursday morning. Volunteers support WRC to redistribute surplus fresh food, which builds community capacity and reduces waste.

Work and development orders (WDOs)

For eligible clients to reduce their fines. You are an eligible client if you:

  • have a mental illness or intellectual disability
  • are homeless
  • have a addiction to drugs or alcohol
  • are experiencing financial hardship​

Tax help (July - October)

For low income earners to prepare and lodge their tax returns on-line. Tax Help is a FREE and confidential service provided by volunteers at WRC in Bega.

Support to the Bega Valley Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Committee

The Women's Resource Centre supports the Bega Valley Domestic & Sexual Violence Committee (BVDSVC), holding regular meetings.

A connection on Facebook

Building social networks and informing women about WRC.

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