Regular women based workshops
Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) workshops bring women together to learn new skills, work on existing skills and gain confidence from being with like minded women.
A full program of workshops is offered in response to local women’s social, educational and personal needs. Workshops availability is dependant on one-off funding approval.
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Workshop types
Art & crafts
Our art and craft workshops support women to embrace their creativity, build their confidence and make new connections in a fun and supported space. These workshops offer a variety of techniques and require no artistic skill at all just a willingness to have a go. The goal of these workshops is to have fun and make something meaningful.
Gardening is a great way for women to connect with like minded women and the earth. Workshops teach easy steps that encourage women to make their own home gardens sustainable.
Computer Training
Computers are available for women to use and build their confidence. Computer one-on-one workshops enable women of all ages to learn for free how to use a computer, access the Internet and communicate with friends and family via email.
If you need a lesson to gain skills and learn how to use a computer with confidence. Phone for an appointment on (02) 6492 1367. WRC has FREE computer and Internet access is also available Wednesday – Friday from 10am – 4pm, no appointments are necessary.
WRC offers gently exercise program and encourages women to begin a healthy and active lifestyle. Women are able to learn easy steps to do at home and provides regular practice in stretch and strengthen, whilst boosting their self-esteem and confidence.